When you’re looking for ways to save money, you will often come across the same three basic tips that everyone swears by: make your coffee at home, bring your own lunch to work, and use public transport. And while these tips are great and will often save you some cash, most bloggers don’t go into any actual detail about how to make these tips work. That’s where I come in…
Let’s look at coffee for starters. I’m a self-confessed caffeine addict, and I can’t go without at least two cups per day. There was a time where I would buy at least one of these cups from a nearby coffee shop; that is, until I did the math.
a latte girl myself, so my order would usually come in at around $5, and that
doesn’t seem like a lot of money. But it adds up quickly; $5 per day equals $25
per week, and with 52 weeks per year it was around $1300 PER YEAR I was
spending on this habit.
course, your spending might be different, but even at a basic $3.50 tiny flat
white, you’re coming in at $910 per year.
this doesn’t take into consideration the ancillary products that are available
at a coffee shop. I can’t count the number of times I entered a shop for a small
drink only to walk away with a large cup plus a cookie.
these facts aren’t new to anyone who is looking to save money. I could talk
about the negative ramifications about buying coffee shop coffee until the cows
come home, but the truth is it’s a hard habit to break.
you work in an area that’s close to a coffee shop, then you’ll likely be
tempted by the sweet smell of delicious coffee every morning, not to mention the
usual ‘coffee break’ routines that you tend to pick up if you work in an office
type environment.
then there’s the downsides of taking your own coffee into work. Most instant
coffee taste like dirt, and you’re got to lug around a huge thermos for the
whole day.
like it or not; making and taking your own coffee into work can save you money,
and the sooner you get into the routine the sooner it will become habit. So let’s
look at some ways we can turn this money saving tip into a technique:
Let’s change the way we look at coffee.
all coffee was created equal, and the same goes for instant coffee. Many brands
are falling over themselves to create a better tasting product for you to
enjoy, plus many chain restaurants like Starbucks and Gloria Jeans have
released their own products for you to use at home. Do your research and ask
your friends and family what brands they recommend.
Get a thermos you’ll enjoy using.
you prefer a handle or not, there are thousands of different types and styles
of thermos for your drinking pleasure. Do your research and shop around. In this
instance, the cheapest probably isn’t going to be your best option. As the
saying goes; you’ve gotta spend money to save money.
Hide your stash.
over 70% of respondents to a survey by Peapod saying they’ve been a victim of
office theft, the thought of bringing in a tin of coffee only to have it stolen
seems like waste of time and money. Try hiding your instant coffee mix in a
locked draw, or if you’re using sachets try putting them in a makeup bag or a
similar place where someone wouldn’t think of looking.
if you’ve got to partake in purchased coffee, ask about ways you can save. Many
coffee shops offer discounts to customers who bring their own mug, and many
more have memberships that will reward you for frequent purchases. Just be
savvy and try to use these sparingly; for example, try bringing in your own coffee every Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday and splash out on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
that’s it for coffee tips for now.
on I’ll discuss the other money saving tips like using public transport (I can
smell the bus already!) and packing your own lunch.
a comment and tell me how you have saved money in the workplace, and I might
write about it!
Thanks for reading,
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